Returns Policy
Returns - Damaged Goods
If goods are damaged in transit you must report this within 24 hours of receiving the goods, a member of our team will then contact you to discuss options.
It is also recommended if the parcel(s) are clearly damaged on receipt it is advisable to sign for as 'damaged' or refuse delivery.
Returns - Faulty Goods
New items are supplied with a 12 month manufacturer's warranty, in the rare event of a faulty item we may repair, replace or refund as applicable.
Returns - Unwanted / Not required
You may return unwanted goods at your own expense providing they are complete and in pristine unused re-saleable condition within 14 days of purchase except in the case of special orders, bespoke products or second-hand goods. Some other items may be non-returnable if this applies you will be notified upon ordering.
If you purchased goods on promotion, any discounts or special offers relating to the returned item(s) will be null and void and you will be required to pay any extra due.
Returns - Special Orders and Second-Hand Goods
Refunds will not be given on any made-to-order, bespoke or special order items unless faulty.
Returning Goods - please read the following carefully
When returning goods for any reason you must:-
- ensure that all items are adequately packed
- obtain permission from Agri-Linc to the return of the item(s)
- include proof of purchase and reason for return
In addition you must make sure that all parcel(s) are adequately insured to the full value of the goods. Any damaged or missing goods will be chargeable.
If you require any clarification or have any queries please contact one of our team who will be happy to help.
This document does not affect your statutory rights.